Sprouting peppermints in a plastic cup. To avoid losing the tiny seeds, i lined the cup with tissue paper, seeds, one layer of hydroton...it worked!
Sprouting basil in a plastic cup, lined up with tissue paper. This is going to be my germinating technique from now on.
Sprouting basil in a plastic cup, lined up with tissue paper. This is going to be my germinating technique from now on.
Cappucina in a small container with potting mix topped with hydroton. I want to experiment growing these flowering vines on conventional method and lets see if it works.
Bell pepper / siling prasko on my AP System 2. I was able to grow a few of them... i love bell pepper in spaghetti, noodles and mixed vegetables... i tasted it once also as topping for scrambled eggs!
Brocolli on my AP System2 ... it takes ages for them to grow.. but they are OK.